James And Rebecca's Wedding - 24th Feb 2005
At the Church of St Francis of Assisi and the Mount Lavinia Hotel, Sri Lanka
> The wedding day
> The wedding evening
> Travelling round before the wedding
> Staying at TaruVillas, Bentota
> General Pics

James and LB's
Random Wedding Photos

Click on an image to see the larger version


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WEDDING SERVICE (afterwards outside)

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LB_Wed.JPG (289127 bytes) Dickie_BB_Ferg.JPG (442932 bytes) Ferg_and_Simon.JPG (462465 bytes)
Alain_Andrew_Laura.JPG (274660 bytes) James_LB_Wed.JPG (175032 bytes)
Aidan_and_Nicola.JPG (451226 bytes) SL104.JPG (480815 bytes) SL099.JPG (309322 bytes)
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